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Metal&Mining, Market research/Trading, Asset Management, Equity Research, Fundamental Analysis
В аналитическую команду АО УК "Первая" ищем Senior analyst, Metals&Mining.
Руководитель направления (аналитическая функция, сектор Metals&Mining), АО УК "Первая"
with ICEF, Russia’s leading finance university, this report examines the ongoing revolution in scrap metal
We expect this source of metal, as well as China’s slowing economy, to add serious pressure on metal
o Revolution is on: Chinese scrap fed steelmaking grew 194% in 2016-19 o Base metals catching up: Al
/Cu accumulated scrap +35%/+8% o Trend continues as metals used in China’s growth boom in ‘00s become
Revolution in the global metals market in light of the rising importance of recycled materials
govt withdraws fiscal stimuli Revenues to increase, boosted by rising oil output, higher taxes on metal
Fixed Income, Asia, Industries, Indonesia, Metal&Mining, Market research/Trading



Fixed Income, Developed markets, Industries, Canada, Metal&Mining, Market research/Trading
Russia, Metal&Mining, Business Analytics, Macroeconomics, Economics, Consulting, Advanced Analytics,