All Sber's money: the role, structure and career opportunities of Sber Treasury
Sergey Teplov, Denis Karyagin, Pavel Pikulev

All Sber's money: the role, structure and career opportunities of Sber Treasury

  • Event date: 20/07/2023
  • Event language: Russian
  • Material access: Public

Sber is one of Russia's largest employers: many financial professionals have worked, are working or will come to work at Sber. And this time we will talk about the "heart" of Sber, which manages the liquidity and balance sheet structure of the entire bank - the Treasury. In a new joint Pain Point EMCR and NES talk, we will discuss how Sber's Treasury is organized from the inside and how to make a career in it.

⁃ The role of Treasury: what it means to manage all of Sber's money: balance sheet, liquidity and products;
⁃ Why it's so big and complex: the structure of Treasury;
⁃ Digital Treasury: a bit of an IT company;
⁃ A career in the Treasury: what to expect, where to grow. Personal stories;
⁃ Life in Treasury: office, perks and quiz games;
⁃ Vacancies and internships in the Treasury directly in EMCR, without HR mediation.

  • Sergey Teplov
    Senior Managing Director - Head of ALM, Liquidity and Capital Adequacy Risk Management of Sberbank PJSC
  • Denis Karyagin
    Senior Managing Director, Head of Banking Book Product Structure Department, Sberbank PJSC
  • Pavel Pikulev
    Moderator, Chief Treasury Strategist for Macroeconomics, Currency and Interest Rates at Sberbank, Chairman of the Association of Financial Analysts (AFA) and co-founder of, a social network for the financial sector.


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