All of Sber's Money - 2: New Edition of the ALM Textbook, Real-World Risk Management Cases, Career Opportunities
Natalia Krotkova, Yuri Apaychev, Pavel Pikulev

All of Sber's Money - 2: New Edition of the ALM Textbook, Real-World Risk Management Cases, Career Opportunities

  • Event date: 23/05/2024
  • Event language: Russian
  • Material access: Public

EMCR will host a round table where Sber's Treasury will present its educational guide on ALM (Asset and Liability Management in banking).

This new edition of the ALM textbook is unique in our market, where Sber's expert practitioners share their knowledge on managing the bank's balance and risks, including during crisis periods. They also discuss the use of modern technologies and modeling for decision-making on pricing of banking products and balance management.

Here are more topics of the round table:
- Real-world cases of bank risk management;
- Application of AI & ML methods in pricing of bank products;
- Career opportunities in Sber's Treasury;

  • Natalia Krotkova
    Managing Director, Deputy Head of ALM, Liquidity and Capital Adequacy Risk Management
  • Yuri Apaychev
    Executive Director – Head of Retail Product Structure Department
  • Pavel Pikulev
    Moderator, EMCR Co-Founder


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