In-House Recruiter, Secret Pool

In-House Recruiter, Secret Pool

In-House Recruiter will come with recruitment expertise and will review the attraction and selection methods, tools, and systems and provide talent management initiatives to ensure the ability to recruit for company's diverse range of roles both within the UK and globally (Dubai, Malta, Geneva and Bratislava)


- Screening prospective job applicants to evaluate their skills and qualifications
- Entering job applicants’ CVs and contact details into the company database for future reference
- Ensuring that potential job candidates are an excellent match for the company
- Producing and posting job adverts that attract appropriate candidates
- Conducting interviews and filtering candidates for open positions (up to 5 hires per month)
- Headhunting specific candidates for high-end job roles, such as senior management positions
- Onboard new employees in order to become fully integrated



- Proven work experience as a Recruiter
- Familiarity with HR databases, Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and Candidate Management Systems (CMS)
- Knowledge of job hunting websites and the best places to post job advertisements
- Ability to sell the benefits of a company or job to a potential applicant
- Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
- Strong decision-making skills

Secret Pool

EMCR Secret Pool are vacancies provided by our premium partners who for certain reasons would like to keep them confidential. Usually it’s when they start a new line of business they don’t want to be public yet or look for a replacement. Secret Pool vacancies are moderated as rigorously as other vacancies and this option is available for partners with strong brand and reputation only.

Job type    Full-time
Experience level    Middle
Location    London, United Kingdom
Arrangement    Office

Published: 29/05/2024