Dmitry Maltcev

Dmitry Maltcev


Russia (Россия), Saint Petersburg (Санкт-Петербург)

Educational experience

  • Saint Petersburg State University

    (2011 – 2015), Faculty of Economics, Bachelor

  • CFA Institute

    Completed CFA Level I in November 2023

  • KPMG Educational Program

    2016, IFRS reporting Development Programme

  • Saint Petersburg State University

    (2011 – 2015), Faculty of International Relationships, Bachelor

  • Lomonosov Moscow State University

    2019, CFA Preparing Program Development Programme

  • Ernst & Young Business School

    2022, CFA Preparing Program Development Programme

Work experience

  • Investment Fund

    Financial Manager — 4 years 8 months

  • A-Group

    Financial Analyst — 1 year 5 months

  • Sky Gates Airlines

    Financial Analyst — 1 year 1 month

  • Russian Valuation Service

    Assistant of an Appraiser — 1 year 9 months

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