Rocket Deals Intro

Rocket Deals Intro

Hello, my name is Alexander Pisanov, I manage Rocket Deals

It's a place where PEVC investors and companies can discover each other. It functions as a Telegram channel were deals are announced and investors ask for intros to founders / selling shareholders

Current subscribers include Group, Baring Vostok, TMT investments, X5 Retail Group, MTS,, several super-angels and many other PEVC funds, corporations and private investors. We work towards adding more buy-side in the near future (including international investors)

Each submitted deal undergoes a quick background check and is only published if there are no common deal-breakers. So far, the channel lists 8 deals with total open ask volume of about $4.5M and the founders received (in total) 16 passive leads converting into 2 meetings

If you're an investor / fund manager looking where to invest, subscribe and get good-quality deal flow. If you're a company founder / shareholder, you can spend ~15 minutes and get relevant warm intros for your fundraiser

You can view the channel and subscribe here @rocket_deals

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