Business Analyst (European prime brokerage company) / Fully remote, Secret Pool

Business Analyst (European prime brokerage company) / Fully remote, Secret Pool

* Work with the Product Owner and stakeholders to design, develop, and maintain data models enabling data consistency and analytics for Clients and internal users across the company
* Identify, validate, and ingest new data sources. Assist with the design and implementation of data processing and transformation solutions alongside members of the product and development teams
* Build data validation tests to monitor data quality
* Provide analytics to stakeholders
* Separate reporting and analytic data from source data so that those systems can operate independently


* Experience creating data models supporting reports and dashboards for different business functions
* Skills and experience in system analysis and ability to maintain appropriate documentation coverage through all project steps
* Experience in writing of task definitions, process descriptions and procedures
* Understanding of RESTful API and WS API, data collection and transformation
* Understanding of ETL and data pipeline tools and techniques
* Proficiency in at least one SQL variant (we use MySQL and Postgres), and writing performant queries, including complex grouping/aggregating/joins/ad-hoc query
* Awareness and/or experience with Crypto exchanges, or financial markets trading as a big plus
* Awareness and/or experience of languages such as Python (Jupyter, Pandas, Numpy), R, NodeJs or Go as a big plus
* System analyst or BA analyst or BI analyst background as a plus
* Results focused
* Problem solver, continuously looking for improvement areas
* Pro-activity, responsibility and commitment
* Experience with working alone and in a team
*Willing to acquire new knowledge and improve expertise in related business areas


* Remote working
* Career progression path
* Internal mobility schemes and upskill training
* Flexible working hours
* Latest hardware
* Being at the forefront of a new industry

Secret Pool

EMCR Secret Pool are vacancies provided by our premium partners who for certain reasons would like to keep them confidential. Usually it’s when they start a new line of business they don’t want to be public yet or look for a replacement. Secret Pool vacancies are moderated as rigorously as other vacancies and this option is available for partners with strong brand and reputation only.

Job type    Full-time
Experience level    Middle, Senior
Arrangement    Remote

Published: 10/06/2024